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Did you know that most American adults own an average of at least 300,000 items? Also, one out of ten Americans have an off-site storage rental for their excess belongings, according to Joshua Becker, who wrote: “21 Surprising Statistics That Reveal How Much Stuff We Actually Own, Becoming Minimalist.” 

Over their lifetimes, aging adults will accumulate several items over the years that could now be cluttering the home. Too much stuff in the home can make it hard to move around, which can be especially dangerous for aging adults.

Living in a cluttered space can also make us feel more anxious or depressed. Here are some decluttering tips for aging adults in your loved one’s home, so they feel safer and more comfortable at home. 

Declutter One Room at a Time 

Decluttering can feel overwhelming if you do not limit yourself to one room at a time. To begin, it might be helpful to declutter the room with the greatest number of possessions. Starting here could help your aging loved one not feel overwhelmed with the process.

For some aging adults, it became ingrained in them not to throw things away that “could” be valuable. You may know the item is not and will not be, but perhaps they are no longer savvy about what sells. Also, many aging adults have inherited many things that they are sentimentally attached to.

For these items, you could try to figure out clever storage ideas. These days between places like The Container Store or Amazon, you can find many ways to creatively store precious items.  

Make Piles 

Separate the piles into keep, throw away, and donate. If your loved one is having trouble sorting items into these piles, you can include a maybe pile that you can revisit once you separate everything else. This will help your loved one feel in control instead of being pressured in the moment. 

Get Rid of Items That Could be Dangerous 

If your loved one has limited mobility and needs assistance balancing, they must have a clear pathway for their safety. They will also likely need your help throwing away items they cannot reach. Items such as: 

  • Expired food items 
  • Broken furniture 
  • Old medicine 
  • Broken dishes, including pots and pans 
  • Broken appliances  
  • Rugs you deem a trip hazard 
  • Unused wires or plugs for electronics 
  • Any damaged items lying around that you know will never be fixed 

Throw Away Duplicate Items 

Many people buy duplicate items because they misplaced an item, or maybe the item was on sale, and they like it more than the one they have at home. Whatever the reason, these duplicate items add up in each room. For example: 

  • Bathroom: Your aging loved one could have many towels, rugs, and toiletries they do not need. 
  • Office: Notebooks, scissors, pens, stationery – All these items could take up valuable space. 
  • Kitchen: Over the years, it is likely your aging loved one has collected numerous dishes, coffee mugs, silverware, etc. These duplicated items could generously be donated to a local mission. 
  • Closet: Many ladies and some men love to have a variety of clothes. There is nothing wrong with that unless many of their clothes are almost exact replicas of each other. This could include accessories as well. 

Put Items Where They Belong in the Home 

Try to ensure that every item has a place it belongs. Silverware should go in the drawer in the kitchen. Books should be on a bookshelf. A coat should be hung in the coat closet. The list could go on and on. The quickest way for a house to get in disarray is when items are strewn about the house instead of in their rightful places. 

We hope these tips will help you to make the home safer and more comfortable for your aging loved one. At Next Day Access, it is our goal to help aging adults be able to live out their lives in their homes.

We offer several products that assist with mobility, such as grab bars or wheelchairs, among many other accessibility devices or mobility equipment. If we can ever help you ensure your loved one’s home is safe, please do not hesitate to reach out to your nearest Next Day Access to schedule an in-home consultation

A new study by researchers at the University of Virginia found that people with type 2 diabetes who attend an annual wellness check are significantly less likely to require a major lower extremity amputation within the same year. 

The research involved Medicare beneficiaries diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, who are now entitled to a free yearly healthcare visit. The research found that 36% of people with diabetes had decreased odds of amputation just by attending this free check-up. 

Jennifer Lobo, a researcher from the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA, presented findings at the 82nd American Diabetes Association’s Scientific Session in New Orleans, Louisiana. She said that “People who made use of the new free annual wellness checks had diabetic foot issues diagnosed earlier than those who did not attend the wellness check.”  She also suggested that, “Policymakers should prioritize incentives for having patients participate in annual wellness visits to improve preventative care and reduce major lower extremity amputations, particularly in the Diabetes Belt.”  

The Diabetes Belt, where the study took place, is made up of 644 counties in the Southeastern and Appalachian USA. The study showed that people in the Diabetes Belt had a 27% higher risk of requiring a major lower extremity amputation when compared with surrounding counties.

Previous research from the team found that precisely one additional major lower extremity amputation per 1000 people was needed in the Diabetes Belt compared to other counties. 

The study also found that there are significantly increased rates of diabetes-related amputations among non-Hispanic Black patients in comparison to non-Hispanic White patients. This is true for inside and outside the Diabetes Belt. Researchers suggest the discrepancy could be due to relatively low available resources in the Diabetes Belt area. In order to boost preventative care in this area, more resources need to be available soon. 

“While Annual Wellness Visits are a free visit for qualified Medicare beneficiaries, additional incentives or resources to overcome systematic access to care barriers are needed to support patient attendance,” says Jennifer Lobo. “Patient education about the value of Annual Wellness Visits and preventative care could also help improve utilization of Annual Wellness Visits, hopefully reducing the rate of major amputations.” 

The new FREE Annual Wellness Visits provided by Medicare will benefit millions of people with Type 2 Diabetes, but only if they take advantage of the free visit.  

At Next Day Access, we encourage you to take advantage of this wellness visit. However, if you have recently had an amputation, we encourage you to visit your nearest Next Day Access. We provide many types of mobility equipment to help you get around safely and independently after an amputation. We sincerely hope you will never find yourself needing an amputation, but we are here for you if you do.  

If you have limited mobility and your home has a porch only accessible by stairs, you might consider investing in a porch lift. If your porch goes directly into your home, you could find a porch lift much more accessible to maneuver than a wheelchair ramp. There are many reasons people with limited mobility prefer a porch lift.  

What is a wheelchair porch lift? 

A porch lift is similar to a vertical platform lift. A porch lift is a machine used to elevate a wheelchair from one level to another. The difference between a porch lift and a vertical platform lift is that a porch lift is usually found outside and gives users access to a deck or porch.

The lift can travel a short distance vertically, and then it may travel a few feet horizontally. You can find them battery-operated or with a motor that powers the platform up and down. If it is battery operated, it has a lever, and if it is motorized, you can go up and down with the push of a button. 

So why do many people opt for a porch lift? Here are a few reasons: 

3 Reasons to Invest in a Wheelchair Porch Lift

Porch lifts are space efficient

Porch lifts generally require a 5’ by 5’ area regardless of how high it rises. The Americans with Disabilities Act has guidelines set in place for wheelchair ramps. The guidelines help builders determine a good reference point from ramp slope and length. The guidelines specify that every inch of a rise requires a foot of ramp length. So, most people save ample space by installing a porch lift versus a wheelchair ramp.  

With a wheelchair ramp, there is also more maintenance and cleaning. Every structure requires maintenance, even the porch lift, yet with a wheelchair ramp, you will need to factor in the weather and its elements more.  

Porch lifts are a great safety solution

When you use a qualified installation team, such as Next Day Access, we ensure the ramp is made code specific. Every region has a code specific to its area that governs the use and construction of lifts.

The codes might include ensuring there is a solid flush gate at the top of the landing, a cement pad that anchors the lift, a dedicated 20-amp power supply nearby, and a smooth pathway to the lift. Our installation team handles each step to ensure your lift is as safe as possible. 

Also, most lifts come with sensors or a safety pin that keep the lift from lowering if there is anything below the platform. The lift will also not function if it has slippery debris, such as leaves or branches, on the lift.  

The porch lift gives its user more independence

With a porch lift, people with limited mobility can use the lift independently. If they can press a button, the user does not have to depend on a caretaker to get them to ground level. The user can come and go with a porch lift as they please. 

If you think a porch lift is right for you, please do not hesitate to contact your nearest Next Day Access. We have an assortment of porch lifts and will be sure to set up an in-home consultation where we can help you determine the right make and model for your home.  

On July 26, 2022, people with limited mobility celebrated the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The anniversary is still a source of pride and hope, but it does bring up the question, why are there still inaccessible businesses? Business accessibility is as relevant today as it was years ago. 

A recent article in Forbes magazine written by Andrew Pulrang has this excerpt, “Accessibility is still treated like some kind of premium feature rather than a civic responsibility for businesses or a civil right for customers.” 

Here are some tips on how you can improve your business’s accessibility. 

Make sure parking and entering your building is convenient. 

People with limited mobility who drive are far more likely to shop or eat somewhere when there is handicap parking available. Ensure the designated parking spaces are clearly labeled and at least 8 feet wide. You should also invest in a commercial wheelchair ramp. Seeing a ramp shows customers that you want them there, and that accessibility is a priority to you. At Next Day Access, we offer a variety of commercial ramps.  

Make sure inside the business you have wide pathways. 

People with limited mobility need more space to move. They will need enough room to walk, wheel, stop, and turn around without hitting tables or display shelves. Having an area that is cluttered and tight makes the business feel uncomfortable, even for patrons not using a wheelchair. Your layout matters as much as your décor. 

Make sure restrooms are accessible for wheelchairs. 

If you are hoping your customers stay for more than 30 minutes, you need to have an accessible restroom. Even if the restroom only holds one person at a time, ensure it is wide enough for a wheelchair to make turns. You should also have grab bars installed and a sink where a wheelchair can easily slide underneath so the user can reach the faucets. You can find durable and contemporary grab bars at Next Day Access.  

When you make your business more accessible, your reputation and the number of customers increase. People with limited mobility remember the places in town where they can get around more easily and feel welcome. Next Day Access can help you find the best commercial ramps, grab bars, railings, and more.

An estimated 40 million Americans are living with arthritis and suffer side effects from the disease daily. There are over 100 different types of arthritis, yet rheumatoid and osteoarthritis are the most common. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition that affects joints. It is a chronic pain condition and, if left untreated, can cause disabilities. 

Maintaining a happy, active lifestyle can be difficult due to the joint pain, stiffness, and swelling caused by arthritis. We’ve listed some helpful tips and techniques to help make everyday tasks more manageable. 

4 Tips for Living with Arthritis

Eat a Diet Rich in Anti-Inflammatory Foods 

Arthritis can cause severe inflammation. Foods such as nuts, beans, fish, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, or high-fiber bread help reduce inflammation. 

Exercise Regularly 

Low-impact exercises can help prevent stiffness and pain. Some great forms of exercising include swimming, cycling, or walking. You can also consider a low-impact yoga class incorporating gentle stretching into your routine. Stretching can move your joints through their full range of motion. 

Stop Smoking 

There are a variety of reasons smoking is bad for your health. One of those reasons is that if you live with arthritis pain, the toxins from cigarette smoke can make the pain worse. The toxins directly harm the connective tissue around joints, potentially leading to more pain. 

Assistive Devices

Assistive devices such as a cane, walker, wrist cast, or even shoe inserts can make daily life easier on your joints. 

At Next Day Access, we offer several assistive devices, including walkers, grab bars, railings, and more. Our goal is to help people find solutions when they have issues with mobility by providing accessibility devices and mobility equipment.

When you use assistive devices, it can make it easier for you to perform your everyday tasks. We hope the devices will improve your quality of life and help you better manage your condition. Don’t hesitate to contact your nearest Next Day Access if you have questions about our products and services. 

According to a recent national poll by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, older adults and people with disabilities feel there is still a lack of accessible and reliable transportation alternatives. This prevents them from doing what they need to and leaves them feeling without independence, isolated, frustrated and trapped.

More than one in 5 Americans ages 65 and older do not drive, and the demand for transportation is rapidly growing as the boomer population grows. To help meet needs, the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) launched an “Every Ride Counts” campaign. Through the campaign, the NADTC hopes this national effort will increase awareness of local transportation options for people with disabilities and aging adults throughout the United States. 

A stunning 80 percent of young people with disabilities surveyed shared they are often prevented from doing the things they would like to do due to lack of transportation. This difference in lifestyle from their peers is one of the leading causes of isolation which leads to depression. Yet, it isn’t only about where they want to go. Many express the need to make it to doctor’s or other essential appointments and cannot due to transportation issues.  

According to Carol Wright Kenderdine, co-director, NADTC and assistant Vice President of transportation & mobility for Easterseals, “To address this need, particularly in small communities, NADTC recently funded ten community grants to support planning for alternatives, such as volunteer transportation, rideshare options and expanding transit.” Many hospitals do offer appointment pick-up. You simply need to schedule it when you schedule your appointment. Not all doctors and hospitals, however, can provide pick-up to rural areas. 

Thankfully, they say, “we are living in the future,” and apps like Uber are becoming more disability-friendly. Hopefully, we will see more companies like them in the future. If NADTC and companies such as these can combine their efforts, we can lessen the transportation issues people with disabilities and aging adults face.

At Next Day Access, the needs of our customers are important to us. We also support the valiant efforts of NADTC. We offer several products to help people feel safe and comfortable at home and on the go. If you struggle to get around because you lack a vehicle lift on your car, please let us help. Our vehicle lifts are designed to help people move in and out of all vehicles and are easy to use. We urge any drivers for ride-share programs looking into making their vehicle more disability-friendly to contact us today. We can help you install a vehicle lift on your car quickly and efficiently. 

These days, Canadians live longer, most even reaching the age of 100. Canada saw an increase of almost 26% in centenarians between 2006-2011. This increase is the second-highest increase among all age groups.

According to the Office of Actuary data, the average lifespan now for Canadians ages 65 and above is around 87 for men and 89 for women. Most of these aging adults would prefer to age in place.

What is Aging in Place?

Aging in place means having access to social support and health services to keep you safely living independently at home as you age. To age in place, you need to prepare your home to be safe and comfortable. “Plan for the future today to help you live the life you want tomorrow.” 

Here is an Aging in Place Checklist to help you determine if you are ready to age in place and to help you progress to a stage where you can easily live out your life at home.

An Aging In Place Checklist:

1. How is your health?

In Canada, there are laws allowing people close to you to make health care decisions for you if they feel you are not able to make decisions for yourself. It is good to check with your territory or province or speak to a lawyer about appointing someone you trust to make your healthcare decisions. Overall, how is your current health? 

  • Are you physically active? 
  • Do you eat nutritiously? 
  • Do you schedule routine appointments with your doctors, including eye doctors and dentists? 
  • Do you experience good mental health? For example, do you have bouts of depression or anxiety, and if so, will you take steps to address them? 
  • Do you limit your alcohol intake to a safe amount? 
  • Do you smoke? 
  • Do you limit alcohol when taking prescription medications that could interfere with alcohol? 
  • Do you regularly speak with your doctor about pre-existing medical conditions and the best way to receive treatment? 

If you choose to age in place, you must try to remain as healthy as possible. Electronic tools can remind you to take your medicine or perhaps give you steps for exercising at home. Etc. 

2. Is your home in good shape?

The shape of your home is a critical aspect of aging in place. As you age, your home will need to support your mobility and health needs adequately. Many aging adults choose to add accessibility equipment here and there to help make purchasing equipment a gradual expense.

You could start by adding grab bars in the bathroom or changing to a walk-in tub, putting solid handrails around the house, and eventually adding a wheelchair ramp. At Next Day Access, we offer nearly everything you need for your home to help you age in place safely and comfortably.

We can also install our products quickly whether you need a vehicle lift for your car or a stairlift, our installation team will see that you are safe in your home. 

It is also important that if you have foundation problems, roofing issues, or dry rot, you fix those soon. 

3. Do you have a good support group and community?

Do you have solid friendships or family nearby that could stop in to check on you? If not, can you afford to employ an at-home nurse if needed? Do you have an active social life so you will not feel lonely at home? If not, you should look into volunteering.

Volunteering will keep you connected with your community and is associated with increased happiness, longevity, and satisfaction for aging adults. 

4. Are you Safe?

Aging adults are at a higher risk for falls. Falls for aging adults are more severe and could cause a broken leg, hip bone, or other significant injuries. Therefore, it is essential that you are as safe as possible. Make sure you have slip-free bathmats in the bathroom, and if you become unsteady on your feet, invest in equipment like grab bars to keep you safe.

What do you need to do better to age in place comfortably and safely? Use this as a guide of what you need to work on so you can age in place gracefully. Be sure to contact us at Next Day Access when it is time to add accessibility devices to your home or if you need mobility equipment.

Our goal is to provide every solution available to help aging adults or individuals with mobility concerns live independently in their homes. 

For aging adults, the stairs in their homes can become too dangerous to navigate. They may have limited mobility, accessibility concerns, lack of stability, or weakened muscles. When the stairs seem too challenging, many aging adults may think it is time for an assisted living community or a home with no stairs. At Next Day Access, our goal is to find solutions so aging adults can age safely and comfortably at home. We offer various stairlifts, some even suit curved stairs. Many individuals do not realize how cost-effective it is to put in a stairlift rather than move. We can even have your stairlift installed in no time with as little intrusion on your day-to-day as possible. Other than stairlifts being cost-effective, here are a few other benefits you will find when choosing to install a stairlift: 

Stairlifts prevent injuries

Injury prevention is the most obvious benefit of installing a stairlift. You are less likely to slip and fall downstairs, which is the most common area that presents a high-risk fall. Just missing one step can result in a broken leg, hip, or other injuries. 

Stairlifts are easy to use

Stairlifts are extremely easy to operate. When using the stairlift, you sit on the seat, put on the seatbelt, and press the switch on the armrest. Once you are at the top of the stairs, release the switch, and the lift will come to a rest.  

If you find yourself at the top of the stairs but the stairlift is at the bottom, there are remotes you can leave upstairs and downstairs to send the stairlift to where it needs to be. 

Stairlifts are comfortable

You can purchase a lift with extra cushion, but most people feel the standard lift is already very comfortable. There is a stairlift called the Bruno Elite, which is considered the highest quality because the seat, back, and armrest all have padded cushions. 

Stairlifts restore independence

We once had an installer tearfully tell us about a sweet interaction with a customer. The customer was so thrilled with her stairlift because she was always stuck on the top floor, too afraid to go down the stairs for fear of falling. She was delighted she could now order a pizza since she had a stairlift! It’s such a simple thing, but having independence in your home is vital for your physical and mental health.

These are just a few of the benefits of installing a stairlift in your home. Our goal at Next Day Access is to help aging adults and individuals with mobility difficulties feel safe and comfortable at home. We are able to do this because we offer several solutions for accessibility concerns, including stairlifts, wheelchair ramps, porch lifts, and much more. Don’t hesitate to contact us today for all your mobility and accessibility needs. 

If you are working with a doctor to help the aging adult in your life get the best care possible, how do you determine if every recommended treatment or test will be harmful or helpful? Yes, Doctors are the experts when it comes to treating disease, but you are the expert at knowing what the aging adult in your life wants or needs.

Therefore, it is important you attend every doctor’s visit with them. Some aging adults may not be able to convey their direct wishes and rely on you to help them speak with the doctor.

The doctor needs you to let them know if the treatments they would like to try are realistic for the aging adult’s situation and if they will actually improve their quality of life.

Here is a list of 5 questions you should have prepared to ask the doctor at your loved one’s next appointment. 

5 Questions Aging Adults Should Ask Doctors to Prepare

  1. Do they really need this test? Usually, the tests are essential because they help the doctor or nurse determine the correct treatment. Yet, if the tests are invasive or painful, your loved one might not want to go this route. If you and the doctor agree the tests are crucial, you could take some time alone with your loved one to gently explain why the tests are important and encourage them. Remember, however, the choice is ultimately up to them. 
  1. What are the risk factors of the tests or treatments? Will there be side effects? Will the results involve more testing, possibly leading to another procedure? 
  1. Is there a safer or simpler option? There is a chance that your loved one just needs to make lifestyle changes, such as eating better and getting more exercise. 
  1. What happens if your loved one decides they do not want to do any tests or treatments? Ask the doctor if the condition will get better or worse if they do not have the tests right away? 
  1. How much will the treatments or tests cost? Again, this is your opportunity to determine how much their insurance may cover. It would help if you also used this time to ask about generic medication vs. name-brand medication. 

Be an ally to the aging adult in your life. Make sure you talk to the doctor about them receiving the right amount of care. For more questions aging adults should ask doctors, go to 50 Questions You Should Always Ask Your Doctor After 50.

At Next Day Access, our goal is to support caretakers and aging adults by offering all the supplies they need to live a comfortable and safe life at home. We offer everything from wheelchairs to in-home elevators. We also offer smaller devices such as handrails or grab bars. Contact us today for a complimentary in-home consultation

When someone has a disability, getting into a pool can be a struggle and unsafe. Pool lifts are assistive aquatic access devices designed for people with disabilities or limited mobility who need help getting into a pool safely.

At Next Day Access, we offer a variety of pool lifts, and we understand deciding which lift is best for you can be confusing. Here are some tips on choosing the right pool lift for your home.

How To Choose a Pool Lift for Your Home

Portable or Fixed?

At times, customers prefer a pool lift that does not require permanent installation. In this case, a portable lift might be best since it can be stored or moved when not in.

If you would rather not worry have to store it, you would likely prefer a fixed pool lift. 

What type of disability support will you need?

If you have arthritis or a weakened lower body, you may not need a pool lift with foot and headrests. Most pool lifts are designed for people who lack a full range of motion or control of their limbs. We recommend a chair featuring an armrest, back, neck, and leg support along with a secure belting system. 

Weight Capacity

Any ADA-compliant pool lift must support a minimum of 300 pounds. You can, however, find pool lifts designed for bariatric use that will hold up to 450 pounds. 

Power Source

You have three options for operating your pool lift. You can opt for a manual lift with a hand crank, a hydraulic lift that harnesses the pool’s water pressure, or a battery-operated lift. 

The portable lift is always battery-operated due to its design. If you plug it into a power source between uses, you can recharge the battery. A properly cared for pool lift battery can last up to 5 years.


You can find pool lifts in various styles, even stylish, sleek, and low-profile versions. People that want to keep their pool deck tranquil usually go for a sleeker pool lift.

Design details such as lift installation permanence and rotating systems make a difference in the aesthetics of your lift. If an individual needs more support using the pool lift, consider the additional features you will need for the lift. 

Next Day Access has many options available to access your spa or pool. Our pool lifts are economical and ADA compliant with sleek, low-profile designs. Contact us today if you have additional questions and learn how to choose a pool lift or schedule an installation. 

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