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On July 26, 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law. The Civil Rights Law was designed to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Every year since it passed, more people with disabilities have joined the workforce. Making sure your business is accessible to all improves your image and increases revenue. Also, making your business accessible for disabled employees can give you a more robust workforce. Here are a few ways to ensure your business is accessible for all. 

Storing Items

Do not store items too high or too low where it would be inconvenient for anyone in a wheelchair to reach. 

Accessible Entrances and Bathrooms

If the main entrance of your business is not wheelchair accessible, consider investing in a commercial wheelchair ramp. Next Day Access offers many choices. You could also put the ramp on a side entrance if that is better suited for your business. We can help determine where a ramp would look best at Next Day Access. 

Ensure your bathrooms are accessible by installing grab bars. At Next Day Access, we have grab bars that are both stylish and functional. The space under the sink should also be clear so anyone in a wheelchair can reach the faucets comfortably. 

Consider Handrails

If you have long hallways in your business, consider installing handrails down the length of the halls. You could also install handrails anywhere with steps where a ramp is unavailable. We also offer stylish, classy, modern handrails at Next Day Access. 

Proper Spacing

Make sure you have plenty of space between tables, counters, or desks. You should also make sure that tables and desks provide space underneath the top that is 30 inches, 17 inches deep, 27 inches high, with a top between 28 inches and 34 inches from the ground.  

Appropriate Language

Choose the appropriate language for signage. The word Handicap is considered offensive to many. Instead, use the word accessible. For example, a sign should read, “Accessible parking this way.” 

Take Aways

These are just a few helpful tips. It is mandatory to ensure your business is ADA compliant, but these extra steps are significant for people with disabilities. At Next Day Access, we have several products to make your business as accessible as possible. We can advise on the perfect products and help you determine where to install any mobility equipment or accessibility devices. We also have a top-notch installation team providing knowledge and efficiency at every job site. 

According to a recent national poll by the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center, older adults and people with disabilities feel there is still a lack of accessible and reliable transportation alternatives. This prevents them from doing what they need to and leaves them feeling without independence, isolated, frustrated and trapped.

More than one in 5 Americans ages 65 and older do not drive, and the demand for transportation is rapidly growing as the boomer population grows. To help meet needs, the National Aging and Disability Transportation Center (NADTC) launched an “Every Ride Counts” campaign. Through the campaign, the NADTC hopes this national effort will increase awareness of local transportation options for people with disabilities and aging adults throughout the United States. 

A stunning 80 percent of young people with disabilities surveyed shared they are often prevented from doing the things they would like to do due to lack of transportation. This difference in lifestyle from their peers is one of the leading causes of isolation which leads to depression. Yet, it isn’t only about where they want to go. Many express the need to make it to doctor’s or other essential appointments and cannot due to transportation issues.  

According to Carol Wright Kenderdine, co-director, NADTC and assistant Vice President of transportation & mobility for Easterseals, “To address this need, particularly in small communities, NADTC recently funded ten community grants to support planning for alternatives, such as volunteer transportation, rideshare options and expanding transit.” Many hospitals do offer appointment pick-up. You simply need to schedule it when you schedule your appointment. Not all doctors and hospitals, however, can provide pick-up to rural areas. 

Thankfully, they say, “we are living in the future,” and apps like Uber are becoming more disability-friendly. Hopefully, we will see more companies like them in the future. If NADTC and companies such as these can combine their efforts, we can lessen the transportation issues people with disabilities and aging adults face.

At Next Day Access, the needs of our customers are important to us. We also support the valiant efforts of NADTC. We offer several products to help people feel safe and comfortable at home and on the go. If you struggle to get around because you lack a vehicle lift on your car, please let us help. Our vehicle lifts are designed to help people move in and out of all vehicles and are easy to use. We urge any drivers for ride-share programs looking into making their vehicle more disability-friendly to contact us today. We can help you install a vehicle lift on your car quickly and efficiently. 

For many people, visiting the beach is a quintessential summer activity. The sun, the surf, and the sand all beckon us to unwind and enjoy the beauty of the coastline. However, for individuals who use wheelchairs, the sandy terrain can present a significant challenge, often acting as a roadblock to fully experiencing the beach.

Fortunately, there are solutions and strategies available to enhance wheelchair accessibility and make beach visits an inclusive and enjoyable experience for everyone. Next Day Access, a leading provider of mobility solutions, is here to share valuable tips to improve wheelchair accessibility at the beach.

Tips to Improve Wheelchair Accessibility at the Beach

  • Research readily accessible beach options: Beachside tourist spots are revamping to accommodate those who utilize mobility devices. Be on the lookout for beach areas that feature wooden
  • Choose the Right Beach: Not all beaches are created equal when it comes to wheelchair accessibility. Look for beaches that offer wheelchair-accessible paths or ramps leading to the shoreline. Some beaches even have specially designated wheelchair-accessible beach entrances. Research and plan ahead to find beaches that prioritize inclusivity and offer amenities designed to accommodate individuals with mobility challenges.

Beach-Friendly Products to Improve Wheelchair Accessibility

  • Utilize Beach Wheelchairs: Next Day Access provides beach wheelchairs for rent or purchase, specifically designed to navigate the sandy terrian. These wheelchairs often have larger, wider wheels that make it easier to move across the sand. Contact the local beach authorities or tourist information centers to inquire about the availability of beach wheelchairs and any reservation procedures.
  • Bring Portable Ramps: If the beach you’re visiting doesn’t have accessible pathways or beach wheelchairs, consider investing in portable ramps. Next Day Access offers lightweight and foldable portable ramps that provide a smooth transition from solid ground to the sand, making it easier to navigate with a wheelchair. Portable ramps are available in various lengths and materials, so choose one that suits your specific needs.
  • Use Beach Accessibility Mats: Beach accessibility mats are an excellent solution to improve wheelchair mobility on sandy beaches. These mats are designed to be placed on top of the sand, providing a stable and firm surface for wheelchair movement. They allow individuals in wheelchairs to traverse the sand with ease and reduce the risk of getting stuck.
  • Consider Beach Tires for Wheelchairs: Specialized beach tires for wheelchairs are designed to provide improved traction and maneuverability on sandy surfaces. These tires have wider treads and deeper grooves, allowing for better grip in challenging terrains. Investing in beach tires can greatly enhance wheelchair mobility and make navigating the sand more manageable.

Enjoy Stress-Free Beach Days

Travelling can be stressful when you have mobility devices to think about. However, enjoying the beach and even transporting your mobility chair doesn’t need to be a hassle. Contact Next Day Access to learn about our rental products and make your next beach trip stress-free.

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