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One of the biggest priorities of caregivers and family members is keeping our loved ones safe and healthy. When it comes to caregiving aids, Next Day Access understands even the simplest product has a difference in comfort, safety, and independence. Transfer poles are only one of many solutions designed to make life easier for both individuals.

What are transfer poles?

A transfer pole is a floor-to-ceiling grab bar. They provide safe and secure support for sitting, standing, or transferring a loved one to their mobility device. It can reduce slipping or falling in the bathroom, bedroom, or even the living room.

Types of transfer poles

If you have trouble deciding which transfer pole will best accommodate your loved one or patient, our accessibility experts can help you choose. Here are some of the options we offer:

Stander Security Pole and Curve Grab Bar

The Stander Security Pole and Curve Grab Bar is a 2-in-1 safety solution combined with a transfer pole and a rotating grab bar. The grab bar has a 360 degrees rotation with a lock feature in eight different spots every 45 degrees. And no worrying about drilling holes in your ceiling because it is tension mounted. It secures in place by tightening the pole between the floor and ceiling.

HealthCraft SuperPole

We also offer the Healthcraft SuperPole. Designed like the security pole, it helps with standing, transferring, or moving in bed. However, the installation is different. The bottom of the pole has a jackscrew, which turns to create pressure between the ceiling and floor.

HealthCraft SuperPole with SuperBar

HealthCraft also offers the SuperPole with SuperBar. It is the same as the SuperPole but with an attached horizontal bar. It provides more stability and support for those who need more assistance anywhere in the home. Both the pole and bar have foam grips to make it more comfortable and prevent slippages on the hands.

Whichever pole you decide, it will make a difference in your and your patient’s life. The transfer pole creates a safer and more independent lifestyle for both of you. Let Next Day Access help you guide your decision. Contact us for a free in-home safety consultation.

Disability Day is on December 3rd by the International Day of People with Disabilities, dedicated to bringing awareness and compassion for the challenges faced by people with disabilities. The theme for this year is leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible, and sustainable post-COVID- 19 world. With this goal, they hope to recognize the challenges, barriers, and opportunities for people with a disability.

Since March 2020, when COVID-19 began, many people were affected by drastic changes, such as working and primarily staying at home, being away from our loved ones, and masks. However, those with disabilities had several negative repercussions from COVID-19. Their social isolation was more pronounced, and there was a lack of emergency equipment to help individuals with specific needs.

Why Do We Celebrate Disability Day? 

According to the United Nations, the first annual observance of the International Day of Disabled Persons began in 1992. Since then, the day is celebrated to help create change and bring awareness for people with disabilities.  

Themes from Previous Years:

Since 1992, there have been several different celebrated themes. Some include: 

  • 2014: Sustainable development – the promise of technology 
  • 2012: Removing Barriers, open doors for an inclusive society and development for all 
  • 2007: Decent work for people with disabilities. 
  • 2002: Independent living and sustainable livelihoods 
  • 1998: Arts, culture, and independent living 

As seen above, some of the themes are about independent living. And at Next Day Access, we offer products and solutions to help aging loved ones and people with disabilities live independently at home for as long as possible. We offer accessibility and mobility solutions to keep your home safe. Contact us to schedule a free in-home consultation.

One in four seniors fall each year, and out of every five falls, one results in serious injuries, such as broken bones or brain injuries. The statistics are scary, but falls can be prevented with the right equipment installed throughout the home.  

The CDC recommends installing grab bars in every bathroom of a home with loved ones choosing to age in place. They are often placed next to the toilet, sink, and inside and outside the tub or shower. Because bathroom floors can become slippery, by holding on to the bar, it can create a safer space. However, grab bars are not only installed in bathrooms but other places throughout the home. 

What is a Grab Bar? 

It’s graspable bar installed on the wall that helps maintain balance and lessen fatigue while standing. They help prevent injury for aging loved ones, people with a temporary or permanent injury, and others.  

Where to Install Grab Bars? 

As we mentioned, grab bars are essential for bathrooms, but it is also helpful to have them installed throughout your home. These days you do not have to worry about giving up style. You can find sleek, stylish designs that blend in with your home. Wherever you are wanting a grab bar, contact an accessibility expert to safely do the job.

How to Choose the Right Grab Bars? 

When you are choosing grab bars for your loved one’s home, there are various design options, including: 

  • Straight are usually installed horizontally but can also be vertically or diagonally. 
  • Folding can be folded away to provide extra space when not in use. 
  • Ceiling to floor is tension mounted and makes it easier to stand from your toilet, bed, or couch. 

It is not always easy deciding which grab bars will best accommodate you or your loved one. That’s why at Next Day Access, we offer free in-home consultations for our customers. With our evaluations, we can help you understand which solution will benefit you the most. We also offer installations from our accessibility technicians. Contact us to learn more about our free in-home safety consultations.

Source: https://www.cdc.gov/homeandrecreationalsafety/falls/adultfalls.html

The month of November recognizes the millions of nurses, home care aides, therapists, and social workers who serve their community proudly. These individuals play an essential role in our healthcare system and homes across the nation. To recognize their hard work and show appreciation, the National Association for Home Care & Hospice (NAHC) asked to celebrate November as Home Care and Hospice Month. 

Home care and hospice nurses, therapists, aides, and other providers who choose to use their lives to serve our country’s aged, disabled, and dying. This noble work deserves our recognition and praise, and we celebrate November as Home Care & Hospice Month for that very reason.”  – NAHC President William A. Dombi. 

Hospice care professionals are an important role to end-of-life care and individuals who are terminally ill. They focus on helping someone with a terminal illness comfortably and increasing their quality of life. Hospice is usually offered in the home or a long-term care facility. 

Some of their services include:

  • Managing patient’s pain and symptoms
  • Emotional support
  • Providing medical equipment like wheelchairs
  • Teaching caregivers on how to provide the best care
  • Dietary counseling
  • Grief and loss counseling for patient and loves ones

Along with providing the best care for patients, a huge part of their job is also supporting families. So, they help with education, emotional and spiritual support, financial issues, and assisting with the patient’s hygiene.

Within the hospice care setting, the looming reality of a patient’s death can be extremely hard for both patients and family members to accept. During this time, many difficult decisions must be made regarding treatments that will benefit the patient in their last weeks or months, often bringing quality of life concerns into play. Nurses step in at this time to guide patients and families confronting thostough decisions and helping them adapt to painful realities,” says the American Nurses Association

At Next Day Access, we recognize the noble work done by hospice teams. This November, we are proud to honor the individuals in our healthcare system who help make differences in lives. We are thankful for those who continue to work and study hard to help the community.  

Source: https://www.nahc.org/

Inevitably there will come a time when you need a home health aide to take care of your aging loved one or even share the responsibility. Do not look at it like you are giving up, but instead, you are doing them a favor.  

For some parents approaching the subject of a caregiver, other than yourself, may cause them to be upset. However difficult the conversation can be, it could be the only way to ensure your aging loved one is receiving top notch care every day. To help you decide if your loved one needs a home health aide, here’s a list of warning signs.

A Lack in Personal Hygiene  

A change in personal appearance and behavior are common indicators that your loved one needs some help at home. You may not notice changes in personal hygiene, such as wearing dirty clothes. Notice your family member’s appearance and pay attention to their body odor. These are some signs your aging loved one could be letting their hygiene go. It can become too troublesome for them, or it could be memory loss.

Often, as adults age, their skin becomes thinner and thus more brittle, and a shower could physically hurt them. It could be time for sponge baths.

Weight Loss 

This could sneak up on you if you are used to seeing your parent/grandparent often. But if you find that your loved one appears thinner than what you consider their “normal” weight, it may be a sign of trouble for the future. Possible causes could be trouble with meal preparation, depression, memory loss or cognitive decline. 

It is common for people suffering from a memory impairment, such as Alzheimer’s to forget how to cook their food or even eat.

Housekeeping is No Longer a Priority 

If you notice your parent’s home is full of clutter and messy when it is typically in tip-top shape, this could be a sign that something is wrong. They could be too tired or even depressed to perform daily chores. Depression can cause them to neglect to keep the house clean. The bottom line, a messy home can cause a healthy person to become sick. Their mood will lift in a clean home, and they will relax and breathe easier.

If you notice items appearing in unusual places, for example, the container of coffee creamer tucked into the dishwasher rather than the refrigerator, or shoes placed on the table rather than beneath it, this could also be a sign of early-onset dementia, stroke, or even Alzheimer’s.

When to look for help?

If you find you are exhausted and overwhelmed trying to take care of your relative, it may be time to consider a home health care aide. The change could upset your loved one at first, but it is likely they will grow to appreciate the companionship and help around the house. Encourage and support them as you transition to finding a home health aide.

Next Day Access is in the business of improving the quality of life for seniors. We have a large variety of home modifications, accessibility devices, and mobility equipment to help older loved ones get around easier in their homes and while they are out in town. Contact us today for a free in-home consultation.  

Travel regulations eased since the onset of the Covid Pandemic. Now, many people are taking advantage of the cheaper flights to Europe. Europe is a beautiful place to vacation with great history. Given the older architecture, not every place in Europe is equipped with accessibility laws in place. Which can present difficulties with navigating a wheelchair or other mobility devices. Successful traveling with a mobility device to Europe requires a lot of research and planning, but it’s worth it. Here are a few tips to consider so you can travel safely abroad. 

Accessibility laws 

The United Kingdom and Germany’s accessibility laws are similar to America with their requirements for buildings and transportation. Yet, many countries do not have these same laws. Before traveling to Europe, research which countries have requirements that help citizens with a disability.

Book hotels in advance

Many hotels have very few accessible hotel rooms, so booking hotels far in advance is ideal. When finding a hotel, try to stay in the most accessible parts of town. Look for towns that are not surrounded by hills or stairs. A good way to get an idea of the lay of the town is using Google Maps Street View.

Booking transportation online

In Europe, every training system has different boarding and booking procedures for mobility device users. Most times, you can book wheelchair spots online in advance. However, be aware that each line requires prior notification for a wheelchair reserved spot due to the low availability.

Accessible tour companies 

You can also find accessible tour companies. It is a great idea to book with a tour company, especially one that knows the ins and outs of traveling with mobility equipment. A company that specializes in accessibility tours will take you to the most convenient, smoothest, and shortest routes. It will alleviate a lot of stress when you know your accessibility needs are better met and understood. 

Lastly, enjoy your trip! You’ve done as much planning as you can, and now that’s left is exploring the European history, culture, and beautiful architecture. If you’re in need of a power chair, scooter, or other accessibility and mobility products to help you navigate through Europe, contact your local Next Day Access business.

Have you reached the point in life where it is time to take care of the parents or grandparents that once took care of you? As your loved ones grow older, they often need help with small tasks like picking up groceries, making health-related decisions, or bathing. Whatever their needs may be, it is essential to be supportive and not overbearing. Here are a few steps to help guide you as you navigate supporting an aging loved one. 

Step 1: Assess Their Needs 

Assessing your loved one’s needs is most important when learning to be supportive rather than making them feel like they have not lost their independence. Experts recommend considering the following issues seniors often face to help you better assess their needs:

  • Family support 
  • Home safety 
  • Medical needs 
  • Cognitive health 
  • Mobility
  • Personal hygiene 
  • Meal preparation 
  • Social interaction 

How well do they handle each area listed above? Try to monitor their ability to address each of these areas on their own. Regarding family support, is there another family that can help? If so, it is an innovative idea for you to keep a family notebook. In this notebook, you can share with family when you notice they might lack the ability to care for themselves or are unsafe. You can work together to make the necessary changes.  

Step 2: Be Financially Prepared 

As parents or loved ones grow older, they may need help managing finances. While having conversations about money can be awkward, and some may want to avoid it, discussing it now can help prepare for the future. You can start the conversation by asking about essential documents, gathering information about accounts and key contacts, and helping with deciding long-term plans. If you talk to your loved ones now, it will give them more control over financial decisions, so you aren’t overwhelmed with what they would want in an emergency.

Step 3: Install Home Modifications 

To avoid your loved one from sustaining an injury in their home, having accessibility experts evaluate their home for any safety concerns is essential. Older adults fall easier, and a fall can cause injuries or even death. With home modifications, such as grab bars or stairlifts, your loved one can live comfortably and safely at home.

It is a noble endeavor to take on someone else’s needs. It can sometimes feel daunting, yet if you have a plan, you will be more capable of meeting your loved one’s needs. Next Day Access is here to help. Next Day Access can assist you with determining the home modifications you will need to ensure your loved one stays as safe as possible. Contact us for a free in-home consultation. 

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed into law on July 26, 1990, by President George H.W. Bush. The ADA is civil rights legislation prohibiting discrimination and guaranteeing people with disabilities the same opportunities as everyone else. The guidelines help ensure that anyone with a disability can enjoy the same employment opportunities, shop hassle-free, and freely participate in any state or local government programs and services. Essentially, the ADA is an equal opportunity law put in place for people with disabilities. 

If you are opening a new business that caters to the public and has over 15 employees, you will need to follow ADA guidelines when designing your floor plan. It is against the law to ignore these guidelines. The ADA website has a list of the exact measurements and the standards, when installing accessible equipment. To help you get your business ADA compliant, we have compiled a helpful checklist to get you started.  

ADA Checklist (Not to be Confused with Your ADA Compliant Booklet) 

How Large is your Entrance? 

Ensure your doorways are wide enough that wheelchairs or other mobility devices can enter comfortably. Also, make sure that there are access doors in place.

Are Your Aisles Obstacle Free? 

Ask yourself if it will be challenging for anyone with a mobility device to navigate the aisles or reach the shelves? Is it easy for them to get around? Will they feel embarrassed trying to maneuver around tables or chairs scattered around corridors or hallways? 

Are your Bathrooms Easily Accessible? 

Even if you only have one stall, make sure the stall is wide enough that a mobility device can maneuver. Additionally, it is essential to have grab bars and an outward swinging door. Grab bars can allow for a safe transfer from a mobility device to the toilet. Other modifications such as a wall-mounted or pedestal sink are ideal for wheelchair accessibility, giving full use of the sink.   

Again, make sure to obtain a copy of the current ADA standards and review these in detail to see which ones apply to your business. 

At Next Day Access, the accessibility experts can help you get your business ADA compliant. Whether you need wheelchair ramps or need to make sure your doorways are up to code, we can help you out. We also specialize in home modification products and have an assortment of mobility devices. Contact us today to schedule an in-home consultation. 

When you or your aging loved one decides to age in place, creating a safe and comfortable home is essential. As seniors age, their mobility decreases, and there is a higher risk of falling. The home must have home aging in place modifications to help prevent injuries. Here is a list of six simple yet effective home modifications.

Installing Grab Bars or Hand Rails

Installing grab bars or railings in high-risk slippery areas, like the bathroom, can provide better support. Grab bars are typically installed near the shower or tub area and near the toilet. However, grab bars or railings can also be installed along hallways and staircases. These home modifications can give seniors more support maneuvering around the home.  

Add Slip Resistant Mats to Tubs and Floors 

In addition to grab bars, adding slip resistant mats or even slip resistant stickers, depending on mobility, to tubs and bathroom floors can help prevent falling. This can be the simplest yet also efficient way to prevent falling.

Quick Tub Conversions

Quick tub conversions turn your existing bathtub into a step-in shower while still maintaining a fully functional bathtub. Stepping in and out of the bathtub can be a slip hazard for older adults.  

Threshold Ramps

A threshold ramp is a simple and safe way to help wheelchairs or other mobility devices to cross over rough surfaces. The slightly-inclined platforms makes it easy to cross over raised landings, doorways, or curbs.

Replace the Hardware on Door Handles and Cabinets  

Replacing round doorknobs with lever-style handles can help people with arthritis or grip issues easily open doors. Likewise, swapping out round kitchen cabinet doorknobs with lever-style handles or bar handles makes accessing kitchen items a breeze. Small knobs, like those commonly found on kitchen cabinets, can be hard to grasp for people that struggle with dexterity.  

Add More Light Fixtures 

There are many ways to bring more light into the home. You can put nightlights in the hallway, tap-lights under cabinets, or lamps on tables. This will aid your loved ones in seeing where they are going, which can help prevent any trips or falls. 

At Next Day Access, we offer solutions for home modifications. Our goal is to provide various solutions to help prepare a home for aging in place. Some of the additional services we provide include product installation services (for big or small jobs), in-home safety consultations, rental, and rent-to-own programs for non-custom products, as well as financing options. If you or a loved one is in need of our services or products, contact us today. 

Brian and Dave Clark, the founders of Next Day Access have been in the accessibility/mobility industry since 1997.  At that time, there were few companies of this type in existence. In the beginning, they installed wheelchair ramps provided for homes, churches, schools, and more with aluminum modular ramps. Thus, the history of Next Day Access began.

As time went on, the request for more accessibility products grew. The brothers found themselves installing grab bars, ADA toilets, patient ceiling lifts, vertical platform lifts, stairlifts, among several other mobility & products.

With over forty million Americans in the disabled community, they knew there was a need to get their services out there. Then, in 2010, they began to research ways to help more people in other communities.

In 2012, they developed a franchise business centered around supplying accessibility products as quickly as “the very next day.” That is when the official Next Day Access brand was born and in 2013, they launched their first franchise.

Today, we have over twenty-three locations and are growing quickly nationwide and internationally.  We saw the need and delivered.

Our Next Day Access Team

Along with making sure we are near our customers, we also have made sure that we have the best and most compassionate team available at each location. Our expertise is second to none, and our team members are passionate, driven, and knowledgeable.

We provide solutions to create a safer and more accessible space in all areas of the customer’s home and life. Many of the products that we offer can be installed very quickly with as little interruption to your daily activities as possible. We respect your time and privacy and will work around your schedule to make the process a pleasant experience.

Our installation team is highly skilled and will install products safely and efficiently. We understand that having to make your home accessible can be a sudden and unexpected expense. 

Our experts can help you set up a payment plan or offer rental options. We do our best to determine the right plan for you. To ensure you have everything possible to keep you safe and comfortable in your home, we offer a free in-home evaluation.

The evaluation allows our accessibility experts to understand your needs and wants to make your home accessible. Whether it is showing you the proper placement of grab bars or measuring for a wheelchair ramp, we can help find what solution works best for you. Contact us today if you have any questions or to schedule your home evaluation.

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